All Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 2431 - 2445 of 2569 in total

    Long, erect, green stems branch near the top into several smaller stems which bear bright purple or lavender flowers which are tubular at first, before opening into six-pointed star shapes. These appear in late spring to early summer, opening gradually in succession to give a colourful display over a number of weeks. It is found in the wild on dry rocky bluffs and open woods, usually in heavy soil in the northern Coast Ranges, and the northern and central Sierra foothills of California, and also into Oregon up to 1,000 meters. ... Learn More



    Looking rather like a dwarf agapanthus, this beautiful but quite unusual plant has pure white, funnel-shaped blooms, often tinged purple along the tubular throat, which are produced in dense racemes on strong but thin stems. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Idaho to central California, its habitat including grassland and moist areas such as meadows and vernal pools. It will slowly self-seed when happy making splendid drifts. ... Learn More



    Compact heads of striped, elongated buds open to produce lovely yellow star-flowers, each one attractively marked with a central brown strip. This pretty flower is native to northern and central California and south western Oregon, where it can be found in coastal and inland coniferous forests and other habitat. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    Triteleia laxa (previously Brodiaea laxa), is a dwarf lily known by several common names, including "Ithuriel's spear" and "Grassnut". It produces a tall, naked stem topped with a spray of smaller stalks, each ending in a tubular purple-blue flower, opening into a sharply six-pointed star. This unusual decorative plant, which is native to California and Oregon, grows from a corm which is edible and apparently similar in taste and use as the potato. ... Learn More


    (60+ seeds)


    In early summer erect stems bear umbels of funnel-shaped, purple-blue flowers. Too rarely seen, this plant is a perfect item for naturalising as its narrow, linear leaves soon die completely away after flowering leaving a clear patch for flower coming later. It spreads perfectly, and without any problems by self-sown seeds making a superb, slowly spreading carpet. ... Learn More



    This gorgeous and completely hardy Australian shrub grows to around 2 feet tall,with bluish-purple drupes clustered at the ends of branches which, predictably, hold thyme-like leaves. Flowers form attractive pink clusters, often appearing at the same time as ripe fruits from the previous season. Flowering period is during summer. T. thymifolia occurs on scattered mountains, mainly in the central part of Tasmania and often on dolerite bouldery ground. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    Dazzling orange double flowers are borne on long stems above dense finely cut foliage. This member of the buttercup family likes to stand in part shade and to keep its feet wet, and is a perfect choice for the bog garden or a damp woodland patch, where it will shine out at you from midsummer onward. It can be inclined to seed freely, so if you are lucky you will soon have a superb bed of these gems. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    This most attractive plant has dark green, deeply-cut leaves, and bears flowers which resemble egg-yolks both in shape and colour, the name "globe flower" referring to the petals which are curved over the top of the flower. This attractive and easy-to-grow native wild flower of Europe and Western Asia, prefers moist soils in full sun or light shade. ... Learn More



    A dwarf, compact species forming a small mound of delicate, shiny green leaves, above which open large, glistening, single yellow buttercups over several weeks. These plants are equally happy in sun or partial shade and will often bloom a second time in areas with cool summers. ... Learn More



    Very large flowers with petals formed flat like a plate, open in spring above mounds of attractive shiny green foliage. A long-lived plant that is bone hardy in moist soil that does not dry out. ... Learn More



    The extremely rare and absolutely fabulous blue climbing nasturtium has thin twining stems which produce solid sheets of dazzling cobalt blue flowers from the leaf axils of delicate, attractively-lobed leaves. One of the most astonishing perennial plants of dry places in Chile, it dies down to deep resting tubers in winter which are best kept dry. It is one of the absolutely ultimate alpine house plants. We have been advised that this seed will possibly not be available after next year. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    Bright yellow, green-spurred, chubby flared flowers delicately pencilled crimson inside, and set off with a dark calyx, grow in dense swarms on thin twining stems clad in tiny delicate leaves. This choice, valuable, and extremely rare Andean plant will improve yearly with a slowly increasing tuber in a well-drained situation. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    From the leaf axils of the thin branching stems spring countless blood red-veined yellow flowers amidst attractively lobed delicate leaves. This rare hardy perennial climber from the high Andean mountains is perfect climbing through a dwarf conifer or on a climbing frame. It makes a perennial tuber, and being the hardiest of this choice group, it is much easier to please than the similar but red Tropaeolum speciosum. ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    This extremely rare plant is possibly not in cultivation and exists in profusion in just a few secret places in the southern Chilean Andes where these very few seeds have been grown in cultivation. Very perennial and hardy down to at least USA zone 8, it makes a steadily-increasing tuber which yearly produces scrambling stems bearing finely divided blue-green foliage beneath masses of five-petalled yellow flowers. In 1833 William Hooker and George Arnott described Tropaeolum polyphyllum subsp. gracile. This scarce plant, which resembles a dwarf T. polyphyllum both in growth and also smaller se ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    A perpetually popular nasturtium, this variety produces masses of deep-red, semi-double flowers over purple-green leaves. Superb in free-draining or sunny positions where they are ideal for covering unsightly banks or fences. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)

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